
Qirat Quran Online

What is Sadaqah Jariyah ?


One idea sticks out in the extensive tapestry of Islamic teachings because of its exceptional fusion of spirituality and practical action: sadaqah. Fundamentally, sadaqah is a voluntary charitable deed performed by Muslims out of love for Allah and people. A certain version known as sadaqah jariyah bears the unusual assurance of everlasting blessings. Let’s examine its meaning and learn how to offer sadaqah to others.

Sadaqah Jariyah Meaning

“Sadaqah jariyah” is to provide continuously or perpetually. Its enduring effect is different from that of ordinary sadaqah. Standard sadaqah offers solace right away, while sadaqah jariyah benefits others and earns rewards for the giver long after they pass away. For example, the water extracted from a well would benefit a great number of people for many years if funding were provided for its development. The guy who dug this well continues to be blessed each time someone drinks from it.

It was once stated by the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), “When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: Sadaqah Jariyah; knowledge which is beneficial; or a virtuous descendant who prays for him (for the deceased)” [Sahih Muslim].

This hadith emphasises how sadaqah jariyah is everlasting and has a significant effect on both the giver and the receiver.

How To Donate Sadaqah Jariyah

There are several methods to offer this ongoing charity.

Sadaqah Jariyah Examples

Building Infrastructure 

As was already said, erecting long-lasting infrastructure—such as schools, hospitals, or wells—is a powerful way to practice sadaqah jariyah.

Knowledge Transfer

Starting schools, providing scholarships, or even just imparting a skill can benefit people and communities in the long run.

Planting Trees

Planting a tree becomes a religious act in a world where environmental issues are a major concern because it will provide fruits and shade for future generations.

How Can I Offer Sadaqah Jariyah On Behalf Of Someone

The adaptability of sadaqah is what makes it so lovely. Giving is something you may do not only for yourself, but also for a friend, a living relative, or even a loved one who has passed away. Here’s how to do it.

Intention (Niyyah)

 Have a certain intention in mind before you begin. Make it clear in your heart that the sadaqah you are going to offer is for the benefit of another person.

Select a Cause

Choose the type of sadaqah jariyah that you want to practice. Do you want to support a student’s education, dig a well, or provide money to a school?

Give the Charity Your All

Make sure the person or organization you are donating to knows that the money is being donated on someone else’s behalf when you make your donation. Frequently, a straightforward message or instruction can accomplish this.

Offering sadaqah on behalf of another person has immense benefits for the one on whose behalf it is made, in addition to the intended beneficiaries.


Sadaqah jariyah is evidence of the deep compassion and wisdom contained in Islamic teachings. It gives Muslims a way to leave a legacy that endures and helps people long after they are gone. In a world full of passing moments, the prospect of continuous compassion offers consolation, hope, and a practical means of changing the world.

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