Qirat Quran Online

What Breaks Wudu ?

Wudu, also referred to as ablution, is a crucial Muslim practice that emphasizes both bodily and spiritual cleanliness. But as important as it is to do Wudu, it is just as important to know what constitutes a violation of it. For individuals starting this illuminating voyage, let’s examine the crucial deeds and occasions that violate your wudu.

1. Natural Bodily Discharges

Among the most basic things that disrupt wudu are the body’s normal excretions. This includes the expulsion of gas as well as urine and faeces. When you feel these discharges, you must make a new Wudu before you can resume your worship.


These are thought to be contaminants that could interfere with one’s ability to pray.


“Or one of you comes from the place of relieving himself…” SURAH AL-MA’IDAH (5:6 QURAN)

2. Entering a Deep Sleep

A quick snooze might not interfere with your Wudu, but a long, unconscious sleep might. Unconscious discharges may transpire during deep sleep, hence requiring a new Wudu.


A person in deep sleep is not aware of their surroundings or their own body.


Narrated Ali: The Prophet said, “The eye is the string of the anus, so whoever sleeps should perform ablution.” – Sahih Al-Bukhari

3. Direct Touching of Private Parts

It is commonly known that unrestricted skin-to-skin contact with one’s genitalia violates wudu. This regulation has its roots in Islamic beliefs and is based on multiple Hadiths.


Unrestricted physical contact with one’s privates might cause sexual excitement and compromise one’s purity.


 “Whoever touches his private part should perform ablution.” – Sahih Muslim

4. Experiencing Loss of Consciousness

Any unconsciousness, whether from alcohol or fainting, makes the previous Wudu invalid.


It seems as if they are in a deep sleep and are unconscious of their state.


Although there isn’t a single Hadith or Ayah that explains this, scholars generally agree on anything that comes from Wudu’s concept of awareness.

5. Profuse Blood Discharge

Wudu needs to be renewed when there is excessive bleeding from wounds or nosebleeds.


In Islam, blood is seen as impure.


“And if you are in a state of janabah, then purify yourselves.” – Quran, Al-Ma’idah 5:6

Even while it discusses janabah, scholars believe that the fundamental focus is purification, which they interpret to include serious impurities like excessive bleeding.

6. Vomiting Substantial Amounts

Throwing up more than a mouthful through vomiting is also considered to be an occurrence that disrupts your wudu. Here, the volume is quite important.


Wudu may be rendered invalid by the body expelling contaminants.


Rather than being directly based on a Hadith or Ayah, this is more based on scholarly consensus.


Knowing what constitutes a breach of wudu is essential for any practicing Muslim. It highlights Islam’s commitment to hygienic living both inside and out

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