Qirat Quran Online

Makharij Al Haruf In Tajweed :


Tajweed is essential for ensuring that the holy verses are recited accurately and melodiously during the Quranic journey. The foundation of Tajweed, Makharij Al Haruf, is what makes it possible to pronounce Arabic characters correctly. In its Quran education, Qirat Quran Online—a renowned online Quran teaching academy—lays a strong focus on Makharij Al Haruf. We will discuss the significance of Makharij Al Haruf, its relationship to Sifaat (characteristics), the Arabic letter articulation points, the role of Noorani Qaida in comprehending Makharij, the 17 Makharij, and the general significance of learning Makharij Al Haruf in Tajweed in this in-depth blog post.

Makharij Meaning

The word makharij, which means the sites of articulation, comes from the Arabic root “kh-ra-ja.” The term Makharij in Tajweed refers to the specific locations in the mouth and throat where the Arabic letters come from. The science of properly pronouncing each letter is what guarantees that the Quranic verses be spoken correctly.

Makharij and Sifaat

Makharij science and Sifaat, the term for the properties of each letter, are closely related. Sifaat describes the distinctive characteristics of Arabic letters, including whether a letter is pronounced heavy or light and if the tongue, lips, or neck are moved during pronunciation. Makharij provides guidance on where to put the articulation points on each letter so that the qualities are appropriately conveyed when reciting.

Makharij of Arabic Letters

Tajweed requires an understanding of the Makharij of Arabic letters. Qirat Quran Online guides learners to make distinct and clear sounds by emphasising the accuracy of articulation points for each letter. The Makharij of Arabic letters includes points of articulation for the throat letters (حروف الحلق), the tongue letters (حروف اللسان), and the lips letters (حروف الشفتين).

Noorani Qaida with Tajweed Makharij

Noorani Qaida serves as a cornerstone in Quranic education, introducing learners to the fundamentals of Tajweed, including Makharij Al Haruf. Noorani Qaida is incorporated into Qirat Quran Online to offer a methodical and progressive approach to learning the Makharij, guaranteeing that students establish a solid foundation in accurate pronunciation right away.

How many Makharij are there?

The seventeen Makharij that make up Arabic correspond to the various sites where the letters originate. The plural of Makharij, Makhraj, refers to a set of letters; knowledge of these articulation points is essential for accurate recitation of the Quran. Qirat Quran Online provides students with a methodical approach to studying the 17 Makharij, guaranteeing a thorough comprehension of every point of articulation.

What is Makharij in Quran?

In Tajweed, learning Makharij Al Haruf is more important than just pronouncing words correctly. The significance of Makharij is highlighted by Qirat Quran Online, which also highlights how it contributes to improving the calibre of Quran recitation.

Preservation of Quranic Integrity

Makharij Al Haruf is integral to preserving the linguistic and phonetic integrity of the Quran. By adhering to the correct articulation points, learners contribute to the accurate transmission of the divine message, maintaining the purity of Quran recitation.

Facilitating Clear Communication

Mastery of Makharij ensures clear communication of the Quranic verses. Qirat Quran Online teaches learners to articulate each letter distinctly, facilitating a clear and audible recitation that reflects the eloquence of the Arabic language.

Enhancing Spiritual Connection

Precise Makharij contributes to a more profound spiritual connection during Quran recitation. Qirat Quran Online believes that when learners pronounce the words of Allah accurately, they establish a more intimate and reverent connection with the divine.

Conveying Proper Pronunciation to Future Generations

Mastering Makharij Al Haruf is a means of preserving and passing on the correct pronunciation of the Quran to future generations. Qirat Quran Online recognizes the role of learners as custodians of accurate Quran recitation, ensuring the continuity of this sacred tradition.

Fulfilling the Command of Tajweed

Tajweed, which includes the mastery of Makharij, is not merely a recommendation but a command in Islam. Qirat Quran Online emphasizes that by perfecting Makharij, learners fulfill this command, demonstrating their commitment to reciting the Quran as it was revealed.

Aesthetic and Harmonious Recitation

Makharij Al Haruf contributes to the aesthetic beauty of Quran recitation. Qirat Quran Online encourages learners to appreciate the harmonious sounds produced through correct articulation, enhancing the overall beauty of the Quranic verses.

What is makharij?

The term “makharij al huroof” describes the Arabic letter’s articulation point or location. It is the precise moment when the letter is generated in the vocal tract.

Makharij Al hourouf Tajweed

Without a doubt, Tajweed (تجويد), the art of reciting the Quran with accurate pronunciation and articulation, is based on Makharij Al Huroof (متارج الحروف).

Makharij Al Huruf in Arabic

The term Makharij al-Huruf basically describes the precise spots in the nose, throat, and mouth where each Arabic letter is generated during speech.

Makharij Al Huroof in English

The location at which a letter is emitted during pronunciation is what sets it apart from other letters.


Mastering Makharij Al Haruf in Tajweed is a sacred endeavor that requires dedication, precision, and a deep understanding of the articulation points of Arabic letters. Qirat Quran Online, as a dedicated Online Quran teaching academy, provides learners with the tools and guidance needed to navigate the intricacies of Makharij. May the journey of mastering Makharij Al Haruf be a source of spiritual growth, precision in recitation, and a lifelong connection with the divine words of the Quran.


What is the makharij of huroof?

The makharij of huroof refer to the points of articulation of Arabic letters in Tajweed.

What is makharij in tajweed?

Makharij in Tajweed is the science of pronouncing letters correctly based on their exit points.

What are the 5 types of makharij?

There are five types of makharij: jawf, halaq, lisaan, shafatain, and khayshoom.

What are the 17 makharij?

The 17 makharij are specific points from which the Arabic letters originate or are pronounced.

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