
Qirat Quran Online

How To Teach Kids The Quran ?

For Muslims, the Quran is a complete sacred book that teaches us many things we would not have known otherwise. It is not an ordinary book. We have a sense of purpose in life because of the Quran. As a result, it is required of every Muslim, regardless of age, to learn how to read and comprehend the Quran. The Quran must be learned and taught from a young age. The following article will look at many approaches to teaching our children the Quran.

The Basics of Learning the Quran

  • Youngsters are gifted, rapid learners, and have superb memories. One may wonder, at what age should we teach our children the Quran? When children are between the ages of four and six is the ideal time to start teaching them the Quran. How? Children do not know how to read or write at this age.
  • As a result, you must make an effort to help kids memorise the Quran by having them repeat the passage after hearing it recited. The brief surahs found in the final juz of the Quran are the easiest for children to learn and retain.
  • You could teach them surahs like Quraysh, Fatiha, Kawthar, Fil, and Qadr, for instance. These surahs are simple for children to learn. You have to ask them to repeat after you as you read each stanza aloud, phrase by phrase.
  • As far as schooling is concerned, kids might easily become bored. Thus, it would be ideal to make an effort to make learning enjoyable and engaging. Narrating the surah stories is one way to accomplish this.
  • Tell them, for example, how Surah Qadr describes a unique night during Ramadan when the Noble Quran was revealed and decisions were made on all matters. Tell them that this evening is more valuable than a thousand months. Allah therefore increases every good deed performed on this night by humanity.
  • Kids will be willing to learn and memorize the Quran if it is taught to them through stories and other enjoyable activities.

Manners of Reading The Quran

  • Since the Quran is the word of Allah, it should be regarded with respect. Our children need to understand the relevance of the Quran. We ought to advise them not to place the Quran on the ground where people might trip over it.
  • When reciting the Quran, we must not raise our legs towards it. Placing the Quran in the highest spot in your home—like the top shelf of your bookshelf—is strongly advised.
  • Here are a few examples of how to publicly honor the Quran. Interior reverence for the Quran is more significant. For example, we ought to observe all that Allah commands us in the Quran, including praying on time, paying zakat, fasting throughout Ramadan, and lending a helping hand to our neighbors and friends.
  • Children will be better able to relate to the Quran and apply its teachings in their daily lives if these things are made clear to them.

The Quran Is Unique

  • The Quran must be viewed from a new perspective. The Quran is not just a book that narrates tales or clarifies religious laws, as we all know. Even more than that, the Quran is an ideal manual for living a prosperous life both here on Earth and in the Hereafter.
  • Numerous things are revealed to us in the Quran, including the dos and don’ts of life, how to treat other people, how to handle challenging circumstances, and the constant awareness of Allah’s presence everywhere we go and in every state. As a result, the Quran provides a route that leads to our ultimate goal, eternal happiness.

Teaching Reading of the Quran

  • Another crucial lesson we must impart to our kids is how to read the Quran. Generally speaking, children of school age should be taught to read the Quran by us, the Quran’s teachers. Fortunately, children from different countries can learn the Quran because its language is simple to understand.
  • Maybe this is just one more miracle from the Quran. Teaching children the Arabic alphabet and its sounds should come first when they are learning the Quran. They should then be taught the long and short vowels. After that, kids can study further Arabic vocabulary, including sukun, shaddah, tanween, and madd.

Teaching Tajweed

  • It’s time to teach your child the arabic alphabet  some more complex Quran reciting principles as they become older and approach puberty. They need to learn tajweed from us. Tajweed, which is attained by perfecting a few sophisticated articulatory norms, is the beautifying of recitation. You can improve the authenticity and Arabicness of your Quranic recitation by studying it with tajweed.
  • It is imperative, therefore, that you do not impart to your kids all of the tajweed laws at once. Before going on to the next tajweed rule, you must go step-by-step with them and make sure they have mastered the previous one.
  • Tajweed rules encompass several aspects such as letter sounds, letter merging or idgham, long vowel lengthening or mudud, and letter movement or qalqalah. As previously said, children can acquire knowledge of the more complex tajweed regulations after they grow older and enter adolescence.

Take Online Quran Classes

  • Due to its benefits, learning things online has become very popular these days. For children, learning to read, memorize, and comprehend the Quran is no different. Online Quran classes for kids are a very safe, secure, and engaging option for children to learn the Quran.
  • Typically, video conferences and video chat are used for the classes. In the convenience of their own homes, teachers and students can communicate just as easily as they would in a traditional classroom. Online courses on the Quran are another way to learn the topics we covered and clarified.
  • The benefit of taking Quran lessons online is that it is feasible to locate the greatest instructor from across the globe, which is nearly unattainable when taking in-person lessons in one’s own city or nation.


It can seem like a daunting endeavor to teach your children the Quran. If you take a few minor precautions as kids get older and more mature, it won’t be. Your children can learn the Quran from you or from a Quran instructor. First, you ought to make an effort to teach your children the fundamentals of the Quran. This entails assisting students in committing key surahs of the Quran to memory. Children, however, need to understand the relevance of the Quran to their day-to-day existence. They can also obtain more and better benefits by learning to read the Quran and tajweed. Physical lessons are being replaced by increasingly popular online Quran classes. Nowadays, it is possible to teach anything that is taught in traditional classrooms online. InshAllah, we will be able to introduce our children to the Quran, instill a love for it, and allow them to live by it.

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